
A axis alingened bounding box

new AxisAlignedBB(double minX, double minY, double minZ, double maxX, double maxY, double maxZ)

Creates a new AxisAlignedBB object with specified minimum and maximum coordinates. This constructor initializes an axis-aligned bounding box with the provided coordinates.

getMin(): Vec3

Returns the minimum point of the bounding box as a Vec3 object.

getMax(): Vec3

Returns the maximum point of the bounding box as a Vec3 object.

getMinX(): double

Retrieves the minimum X-coordinate of the bounding box.

getMinY(): double

Retrieves the minimum Y-coordinate of the bounding box.

getMinZ(): double

Retrieves the minimum Z-coordinate of the bounding box.

getMaxX(): double

Retrieves the maximum X-coordinate of the bounding box.

getMaxY(): double

Retrieves the maximum Y-coordinate of the bounding box.

getMaxZ(): double

Retrieves the maximum Z-coordinate of the bounding box.

getAverageEdgeLength(): double

Returns the average length of the edges of the bounding box.

expand(double x, double y, double z): AxisAlignedBB

Expands the bounding box in the specified direction by the given amounts. Returns a new AxisAlignedBB representing the expanded bounding box.

intersectsWith(AxisAlignedBB other): boolean

Determines if this bounding box intersects with another specified AxisAlignedBB. Returns true if they intersect, false otherwise.

isVecInside(Vec3 vec): boolean

Checks if a vector represented by Vec3Wrapper is inside the bounding box. Returns true if the vector is inside, false otherwise.

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