
getEntityId(): int

Returns the entity ID of the spawned player. This is an integer value uniquely identifying the player entity in the game world.

getPlayer(): String

Retrieves a string representation of the player object associated with this packet. This typically contains player-specific information.

getX(): double

Returns the X-coordinate where the player is spawned. This is an double value representing the player's horizontal position along the X-axis.

getY(): double

Returns the Y-coordinate where the player is spawned. This is an double value representing the player's vertical position along the Y-axis.

getZ(): double

Returns the Z-coordinate where the player is spawned. This is an double value representing the player's horizontal position along the Z-axis.

getYaw(): float

Retrieves the yaw (horizontal rotation) value for the spawned player. This is a float value indicating the direction the player is facing.

getPitch(): float

Provides the pitch (vertical rotation) value for the spawned player. This is a float value indicating the vertical orientation of the player's view.

getCurrentItemID(): int

Returns the item ID of the current item held by the player.

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