
new C08PacketBlockPlacement(BlockPos pos, int direction, ItemStack stack, Vec3 placeVec)

Creates a new C08PacketBlockPlacement object with the given pos, direction, stack and placeVec.

getPosition(): BlockPos

Returns a BlockPos object representing the position where the block is placed.

setPosition(BlockPos pos): void

Sets the pos to the given BlockPos.

getPlacedBlockDirection(): int

Retrieves the direction in which the block is placed, returned as an integer value.

setPlacedBlockDirection(int direction): void

Check EnumFacing for a list of all block-directions.

getStack(): ItemStack

Returns an ItemStack object representing the item stack used for block placement.

setStack(ItemStack stack): void

getVec3(): Vec3

Provides a Vec3 object representing the offset position for the block placement, based on x, y, and z coordinates.

setVec3(Vec3 placeVec): void

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