
This packet gets send to inform the client about the latest movement a entity made. The difference between this packet and S18PacketEntityTeleport is that this packet moves the entity relative to its already known server position and S18PacketEntityTeleport completely resets the entity to a new position.


Returns an Entity object representing the entity associated with this packet. This method provides access to the entity whose information is being updated.

The getX(), getZ() and getZ() are not giving the actual position of the entity, they are giving the change in their respective direction multiplied by 32.

getX(): double

How much the entity moved in the x direction multiplied by 32.

getY(): double

How much the entity moved in the y direction multiplied by 32.

getZ(): double

How much the entity moved in the z direction multiplied by 32.

getYaw(): double

Returns the new yaw (horizontal rotation) of the entity. We translated this for you so you don't have to calculate the change yourself.

getPitch(): double

Returns the new pitch (vertical rotation) of the entity. We translated this for you so you don't have to calculate the change yourself.

getOnGround(): boolean

Determines whether the entity is on the ground, based on the information in this packet. Returns true if the entity is on the ground, false otherwise.

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