
new C02PacketUseEntity()

Creates a new C02PacketUseEntity object with default parameters.

new C02PacketUseEntity(Entity entity, String action, Vec3 at)

Constructs a new C02PacketUseEntity object for the specified entity and action. entity is an instance of Entity, and action is a string representing the action to be performed on the entity. If you are not using the INTERACT_AT action you can make at null.

getAction(): String

Returns the action name associated with this packet. The action is returned as a string, indicating the type of interaction with the entity.

setAction(String action): void

Set the action for this packet, the action should be given as a String.

getHitVec(): Vec3

Provides a Vec3 object representing the hit vector if the action involved a physical hit on the entity. This method is relevant for actions like "ATTACK" where the hit location matters.

setHitVec(Vec3 vec): void

Set the hitvector for this packet.

getEntity(): Entity

Gives you the entity object from the packet.

setEntity(Entity entity): void

Sets the entity for this packet.

Action Types

The C02PacketUseEntity class supports the following actions:

Action Type


Regular right click.


Attack the entity.


Interact with the entity at a specific point.

Last updated