
This page will go over the `breeze` namespace

log(String message): void

Logs a message to the console, with the INFO level

log(String message, Color color): void

Logs a message and gives it a special color.

postNotification(String title, String message): void

Adds a notification to the current queue of notifications

getModule(String name): Module

Gets the module with the matching name from the modules in the client.

getModules(): Module[]

Gives you an array containing all the modules in the client.

registerModule(String name, String description, Object obj): Module

registerHud(String name, String description, Object obj): HudModule

registerRotationModule(String name, String description, int priority, Object obj): RotationModule

sendPacket(Packet packet, boolean event): void

Sends a packet using the breeze packet manager. If event is false the client will not create a event for this packet and it will immediately be send to the server.

getTarget(): Entity

Gives you the current target the client is attacking.

setTarget(Entity target): void

Set the current target for the client, the target will automatically be cleared after a while if you stop attacking it.

Almost all modules in breeze set the current target, for example: KillAura, AutoRod, BowAim and many more!

Last updated