
new C07PacketPlayerDigging(String action, BlockPos pos, String face)

Constructs a new C07PacketPlayerDigging object with the specified action, target block position, and face of the block. action is a string representing the digging action, block is a BlockPos object indicating the position of the block, and face is a string indicating the block face involved in the action.

getPosition(): BlockPos

Returns a BlockPos object representing the position of the block that is being interacted with.

setPosition(BlockPos pos): void

Sets the position for this packet.

getFace(): String

Returns a String representing the face that is being interacted with, a list of possible faces can be found here.

setFace(String face): void

Sets the face that is being interacted with, a list of possible faces can be found here.

getAction(): String

Returns a String that corresponds to one of the action types described below.

setAction(String action): void

Sets the action for this packet, you can choose from the all the actions described here.

Action Types for C07PacketPlayerDigging

The C07PacketPlayerDigging class supports the following actions:

Action Type


Begin destroying a block.


Abort the action of destroying a block.


Stop/finish destroying a block.


Drop the entire stack you are holding currently.


Drop the currently held item.


Release the use of the currently held item.

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