
calcRotation(Vec3 from, Vec3 to): float[]

Calculates the rotation (yaw and pitch) needed to aim from one vector position to another. from and to are Vec3 objects representing the start and end positions, respectively. Returns a float array containing the yaw and pitch values.

interpolateVector(Vec3 from, Vec3 to, float partialTicks): Vec3

Interpolates between two vector positions over time. from and to are Vec3 objects representing the start and end positions, while partialTicks is a float value representing the fraction of time between the two positions. Returns the interpolated Vec3 position.

interpolateEntity(Entity entity, float partialTicks): Vec3

Calculates the interpolated position of an entity based on its last and current positions. entity is an Entity object representing the entity, and partialTicks is a float value for the interpolation factor. Returns the interpolated Vec3 position of the entity.

interpolateBoundingBox(Entity entity, float partialTicks): AxisAlignedBB

Returns the interpolated bounding box of an entity. entity is an Entity object representing the entity, and partialTicks is a float value for the interpolation factor. This method calculates the interpolated position of the entity's bounding box and returns it as an AxisAlignedBB.

lerp(float start, float end, float progress): float

Linearly interpolates between two float values. start and end are the initial and final values, respectively, while progress represents the interpolation factor. Returns the interpolated float value.

lerpColor(Color start, Color end, float progress): Color

Interpolates between two colors. start and end are Color objects representing the initial and final colors,

directionSpeed(float forward, float strafe, float yaw, float speed): double[]

Calculates the movement with the forward, strafe, yaw and speed. Returns a array with the x motion and the y motion.

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