
getX(): double

Returns the X-coordinate of the explosion's center. This is a double value representing the horizontal position along the X-axis where the explosion occurred.

getY(): double

Returns the Y-coordinate of the explosion's center. This is a double value representing the vertical position along the Y-axis where the explosion occurred.

getZ(): double

Returns the Z-coordinate of the explosion's center. This is a double value representing the horizontal position along the Z-axis where the explosion occurred.

getMotionX(): double

Retrieves the X-axis motion imparted by the explosion. This is a double value indicating the horizontal movement effect along the X-axis caused by the explosion.

getMotionY(): double

Retrieves the Y-axis motion imparted by the explosion. This is a double value indicating the vertical movement effect along the Y-axis caused by the explosion.

getMotionZ(): double

Retrieves the Z-axis motion imparted by the explosion. This is a double value indicating the horizontal movement effect along the Z-axis caused by the explosion.

getMotionX(double motionX): void

setMotionY(double motionY): void

setMotionZ(double motionZ): void

getStrength(): float

Returns the strength of the explosion. This is a float value representing the intensity or magnitude of the explosion.

getAffectedBlockPositions(): BlockPos[]

Provides an array of BlockPos objects representing the positions of blocks affected by the explosion. Each element in the array is a BlockPos indicating a specific block location that was impacted by the explosion.

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