
This page will go over the `world` namespace

getLoadedEntities(): Entity[]

Gets an array of loaded entities in the current world

getLivingEntities(): LivingEntity[]

Gets an array of loaded living entities (i.e. pig, player, cow) in the current world

getPlayers(): LivingEntity[]

Gets an array of loaded players in the current world

getEntityByID(int id): Entity

Checks the world for a entity with the matching id. If one is found this function will return a Entity object, if no matching Entity is found this will return null.

raytraceBlocks(Vec3 from, Vec3 to, boolean stopOnLiquid, boolean ignoreBlocksWithoutBoundingBox, boolean returnLastUncollidableBlock): RaytraceResult

Raytrace in between the from and to vectors and will return the result as RaytraceResult.

Last updated