
Extends the Module Object

This Object extends Module, this means you can use all the functions the Module object has.

Creating your own HudModule

To create your own HudModule you can use breeze.registerHud(String name, String description, Object obj): HudModule

HudModule functions

For a HudModule you can provide a few HUD specific functions, these will be called by the client when drawing the HUD

breeze.registerHud("Hudname", "Description", {
    'background': function() {

    'drawFancy': function() {

    'draw': function() {

    'update': function() {

    'postDraw': function() {



Update gets called every frame before the HUD gets rendered. You can use this moment to for example update the position of the HUD element or pre-calculate values that will stay the same for the rest of the frame.


Background gets called when rendering the background, anything rendered within this function will get the background effects from the current theme. To ensure the background effects get applied properly please draw everything in white.


Inside the draw function you can render anything you don't want to receive special effects.


Every thing inside this function gets the special glow and rainbow effects from the current theme. To Make sure the effects get applied correctly please draw everything in the color white.


This function gets called after drawFancy, if you want to draw anything that gets rendered over the fancy layer you can do it now.

Last updated