
new C0CPacketInput(float strafe, float forward, boolean jumping, boolean sneaking)

Constructs a new C0CPacketInput object with specified strafe speed, forward speed, and player states for jumping and sneaking. strafe and forward are float values representing the player's movement speeds in respective directions, while jumping and sneaking are boolean values indicating whether the player is jumping or sneaking.

getStrafe(): float

Returns the strafe speed of the player. This is a float value representing the speed at which the player is strafing.

getForward(): float

Returns the forward speed of the player. This is a float value representing the speed at which the player is moving forward.

isJumping(): boolean

Determines whether the player is currently jumping. Returns true if the player is in the act of jumping, false otherwise.

isSneaking(): boolean

Determines whether the player is currently sneaking. Returns true if the player is in the act of sneaking, false otherwise.

setStrafe(float strafe): void

setForward(float forward): void

setJumping(boolean jumping): void

setSneaking(boolean sneaking): void

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