
new C0EPacketClickWindow(int windowId, int slotId, int button, int mode, ItemStack itemStack, short transactionId)

Constructs a new C0EPacketClickWindow object with specified parameters for window interaction. windowId is the ID of the window, slotId is the ID of the slot being interacted with, button indicates the mouse button used, mode represents the interaction mode, itemStack is the item stack involved in the interaction, and transactionId is a short value representing the transaction ID.

getWindowId(): int

Returns the window ID associated with this packet. The window ID is an integer value identifying the window in which the click occurred.

setWindowId(int windowId): void

Sets the window ID for this packet. The window ID is an integer value identifying the window in which the click occurred.

getSlotId(): int

Retrieves the slot ID where the click occurred. The slot ID is an integer value representing the specific slot within the window.

setSlotId(int slotId): void

Sets the slot ID where the click occurred. The slot ID is an integer value representing the specific slot within the window.

getButton(): int

Returns the button used for the click. This is an integer value representing the mouse button (e.g., left, right) used in the interaction.

setButton(int button): void

Sets the button used for the click. This should be an integer value representing the mouse button (e.g., left, right) used in the interaction.

getMode(): int

Provides the mode of the click. This is an integer value indicating the interaction mode (e.g., quick move, drag, etc.).

setMode(int mode): void

Sets the mode of the click. This is an integer value indicating the interaction mode (e.g., quick move, drag, etc.).

getItemStack(): ItemStack

Returns the ItemStack object associated with the click. This represents the item stack that was clicked in the window.

setItemStack(ItemStack stack): void

Sets the ItemStack object associated with the click.

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